Municipal Court

The Municipal Court is closed Friday May 24 - 27 for training and Memorial Day. 

The Municipal Court window is open during regular business hours at 7447 Dale Avenue, Richmond Heights, MO 63117. It's best to call 314-645-1982 before visiting to ensure assistance will be available.

Municipal Court is now open for in-person hearings.

You may call our office at 314-645-1982 ext. 3 for additional information and updates regarding our operations. Please check back often as information is constantly changing as new orders and rules are issued and it does take some time to get information updated and posted.

Court Dates

When a court date is cancelled, notices will be mailed to the last known address on file with the court. As delivery of notices may be affected & court date information for cases is publicly available, please review your case on either of the sites listed for your current court date.  Please note it may take a week before the records are all fully updated. You may also call the court office during business hours for court date information.

If you need to change your address with the court, please fill out the required “Change of Address” form.


In-Person    Payments can be made in-person at the Municipal Court window within can be made using cash, check, money order, or all major credit cards. If you have a check or money order you may use the drop box located in the lobby (do not deposit cash).  Please be sure to include any necessary paperwork with your payment.

Online    If you wish to make a credit card payment online, you may do so after reviewing your case on either of the sites listed below.

For those with "Recommendations"  Please submit your paperwork to the court PRIOR to making payment. Failure to do so may result in you inadvertently entering a guilty plea and a conviction being entered on your case or paying the wrong amount.Submit a signed copy of your recommendation to the Court via drop-box, mail or email to

Wait approximately 2 business days for your record to be updated (or more depending on the volume of cases being updated by the courts or interruptions to business hour services). Please review your case on the appropriate website to ensure your recommendation charge and amount have been entered. If so, you may then make a payment.

All other filings and documentation

If you are submitting any other documentation to the Court (probation requirements, proof of driving school completion, AA meeting information, signed paperwork, etc.) you may use our dropbox, mail or send copies to


If you are an Attorney and your client's case was issued after January 1, 2020, you are required to e-file your information to the Court using the Missouri CaseNet program.

Only cases prior to January 1, 2020, may be faxed or emailed to the address listed:

Richmond Heights Municipal Court
7447 Dale Avenue,
Richmond Heights, MO 63117
FAX: 314-655-3546

As this is a constantly changing national event, our staffing, policies and orders may abruptly change. We urge you to review the City’s website and check back here for the most up to date information. 

Please note that due to the number of items which may be changed it may take a few days to update the site and update court records. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

The Judicial and Administrative Staff of the Richmond Heights Municipal Division

The Municipal Court of the City of Richmond Heights is the judicial branch of the city government and is a Division of the 21st Judicial Circuit Court of the State of Missouri.  The Municipal Judge and Clerk of the Court are empowered to collect court fines and costs, take oaths, sign and issue subpoenas, establish and operate the Traffic Violations Bureau, and perform all other duties provided for by the Municipal Code, ordinance and state law.  The Court prepares, maintains, and safeguards records, reports and documents relating to Court activities in the required manner and within time frames established by law.

The Municipal Court has three court sessions monthly, operating with the Municipal Judge, Prosecuting Attorney and the Court Clerks.  The City Council appoints both the Municipal Judge and the Prosecuting Attorney, both of whom must be licensed to practice law in the State of Missouri. 

See a list of our Services and Responsibilities here.


You have been summoned to come to court on the date shown on your ticket.
You may plead not guilty on the court date and a later trial date will be set.
You may plead guilty by mail for most charges or by coming to the court to pay your fine during normal business hours or on court date.
If you plead guilty at court, you will be given a future date to pay if you can’t pay the day of court.
If you want to plead guilty, but you don’t have the funds to pay your ticket, you still must come to court on the court date shown on your ticket.  You will not be arrested for not having money to pay your fines.
If you do not come to court when summoned to do so, you are subject to a warrant being issued for your arrest.

Frequently Asked Question



Richmond Heights Municipal Court
7447 Dale Ave.
Court: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
{Hours may fluctuate; best to call before visiting}
[Department Contacts]

* Mail in a request for recommendation with a self-addressed stamped envelope or request on Law Source Live at